The Hudson Valley Pottery Tour is an annual event that allows visitors to view and purchase one-of-a-kind works, and get an intimate look at the inner workings of multiple artist’s studios. I helped establish a distinctive brand and developed solutions to promote the event.



Postcards utilized as poster

Postcards utilized as poster

Website on mobile

Website on mobile


As an event that's success relied heavily on exposure, the Hudson Valley Pottery Tour needed a way to spread the details of their event as quickly and easily as possible. I designed a versatile postcard that doubled as a flyer for hanging in local shops. The postcard helped establish the visual identity used to define the tour and uses a color coding system to indicate which artists will be at which locations. Those who need more details or a quick way to access directions to the studios can visit the one page website that I hand coded and designed.

Role: Art Director, Designer, Coder
Tools: InDesign, Photoshop, Coda 2
Typeface: ITC Avant Garde Gothic

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Coded & designed by Jeffrey Peltzman in the USA